Association Members
  1. PJSC «VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation»
  2. Volnogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine
  3. OJSC "Leninabad Plant of Rare Metals"
  4. PJSC «Ruspolimet»
  5. PJSC "Normal"
  6. LLC "Redmetservis"
  7. JSC "Uralredmet"
  8. PJSC "Uralskaya kuznitsa"
  9. National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials Science" (VIAM)
  10. OJSC "All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys" (VILS)
  11. OJSC "GiproNIIaviaprom"
  12. OJSC "Russian Institute of Titanium and Magnesium" (RITM)
  13. PJSC "Institute of Titanium"
  14. Chemical and metallurgical factory “Mariupol metallurgical plant”
  15. "Kurchatov Institute" - CRISM "Prometey"
  16. JSC "Chepetsky Mechanical Plant"
  17. OJSC "Solikamsk Magnesium Plant"
  18. LLC "KV-Titan"
  19. Grandis Titanium, LLC
  20. LLC "Zaporozhye titanium and magnesium plant"
  21. SPC “Titan" of the Institute of Electric Welding named after E.O. Paton
  22. Institute of Metal Physics NAS of Ukraine
  23. Cap. Co. Srl
  24. LLC «Megametal»
  25. PJSC "NVO Chervona Khvylya"
  26. State Scientific Institution "Physico-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
  27. LLC International company "Antares"
  28. CJSC "Admiral"
  29. JSC "Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium and magnesium plant"
  30. ​LLC "Aquamarine"
  31. ​LLC «Graphite SV»
  32. Yunnan Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.
  33. ​LLC "Scientific and Production Association "Titan"
  35. LLC "Titan-service"
  36. FGAOU HPE "UrFU named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin"​
  37. LLC "Center for Electron Beam Technologies" (CELT)
  38. JSC "Regional Center of Laser Technologies" (RCTL)
  39. ​Snegiri Spetssplav, LLC
  40. Baoji Titanium Industry Co., LTD
  41. ​LLC "Transcon"
  42. ​LLC "Strategy BM"
  43. ​LLC «Casting and Mechanical Plant AviaLit»
  44. JSC "Stupino Metallurgical Company"
  45. ​SJSC "Metal Invest"
  46. ​LLC «Vacuum Metallurgy Plant»
  47. Panzhihua University
  48. ​LLC "Titel"
  49. ​LLC «Scientific and Production Enterprise LM Invertor»
  50. TiFast srl
  51. LLC «Rusatom Metal Tech»
  52. JSC «TGOK Ilmenit»
  53. JSC "Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky"
  54. JSC « Iset Forging and Mechanical Plant»
  55. LLC "Regionprom"
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