- PJSC «VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation»
- Volnogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine
- OJSC "Leninabad Plant of Rare Metals"
- PJSC «Ruspolimet»
- PJSC "Normal"
- LLC "Redmetservis"
- JSC "Uralredmet"
- PJSC "Uralskaya kuznitsa"
- National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials Science" (VIAM)
- OJSC "All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys" (VILS)
- OJSC "GiproNIIaviaprom"
- OJSC "Russian Institute of Titanium and Magnesium" (RITM)
- PJSC "Institute of Titanium"
- Chemical and metallurgical factory “Mariupol metallurgical plant”
- "Kurchatov Institute" - CRISM "Prometey"
- JSC "Chepetsky Mechanical Plant"
- OJSC "Solikamsk Magnesium Plant"
- LLC "KV-Titan"
- Grandis Titanium, LLC
- LLC "Zaporozhye titanium and magnesium plant"
- SPC “Titan" of the Institute of Electric Welding named after E.O. Paton
- Institute of Metal Physics NAS of Ukraine
- Cap. Co. Srl
- LLC «Megametal»
- PJSC "NVO Chervona Khvylya"
- State Scientific Institution "Physico-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
- LLC International company "Antares"
- CJSC "Admiral"
- JSC "Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium and magnesium plant"
- LLC "Aquamarine"
- LLC «Graphite SV»
- Yunnan Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.
- LLC "Scientific and Production Association "Titan"
- LLC "Titan-service"
- FGAOU HPE "UrFU named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin"
- LLC "Center for Electron Beam Technologies" (CELT)
- JSC "Regional Center of Laser Technologies" (RCTL)
- Snegiri Spetssplav, LLC
- Baoji Titanium Industry Co., LTD
- LLC "Transcon"
- LLC "Strategy BM"
- LLC «Casting and Mechanical Plant AviaLit»
- JSC "Stupino Metallurgical Company"
- SJSC "Metal Invest"
- LLC «Vacuum Metallurgy Plant»
- Panzhihua University
- LLC "Titel"
- LLC «Scientific and Production Enterprise LM Invertor»
- TiFast srl
- LLC «Rusatom Metal Tech»
- JSC «TGOK Ilmenit»
- JSC "Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky"
- JSC « Iset Forging and Mechanical Plant»
- LLC "Regionprom"