Rules for submitting reports
The following are sent to the organizing committee:
Until April 21, 2024
1. An expert opinion on the possibility of publication in the open press, certified by the seal of the organization in which the examination was carried out.
2. Information about the author with whom the editors can contact: last name, first name and patronymic (in full), address and (or) telephone number, email address (can be submitted electronically).
3. Article (as a Microsoft Word file).
4. Source illustrations (in the form of separate raster graphics files).

The text of the report should be structured as follows:
- UDC;
- name in Russian;
- name in English;
- link to financial support (if necessary);
- initials and surnames of the authors in Russian;
- initials and surnames of the authors in English (transliteration);
- place of work of each author;
- email address of each author;
- annotation in Russian (no more than 500 characters);
- annotation in English (no more than 500 characters);
- keywords in Russian (5-6 words and/or phrases);
- keywords in English (5-6 words and/or phrases);
- text of the article, including illustrations and tables;
- list of literature (references)

Requirements for the design of materials
The text must be typed in the Microsoft Word text editor on A4 sheets (210×297 mm) with margins on the left side 25 - 30 mm wide, preferably in Times New Roman font, font size 14, one-and-a-half spacing, text justified. Word wrapping is not allowed, as well as text alignment using spaces; the text should not contain “line feed” characters at the end of lines. Headers and footers are not allowed. In the text of the article, references are given in round brackets to each figure and each table, and in square brackets - to the number of each literary source used.
Each figure and each table must have a number and a title.
The list of references must be prepared in accordance with the current GOST. The numbering of literary sources is given in accordance with the order of their mention in the text. Unpublished works are not included in the list.
Abbreviations of words in the text, tables, figures, and captions are not allowed (except for generally accepted abbreviations). It is recommended that the dimensions of physical quantities be indicated in the international system of SI units.
Illustrations submitted as separate raster graphics files (TIFF, JPEG, etc.) must have a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi) at a 1:1 scale. In photographs of microstructures, the scale of the image ("micron marker" rather than magnification) must be indicated in the lower right corner.

Note: Screen aspect ratio for presentation is 16:9
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