Titanium application
60 years by the way of creation of titanium alloys for marine technics and power
A. Oryshchenko, V. Leonov, V. Mikhailov
Sixty years have passed since the start of creation in FSUE «CRISM «Prometey» divisions on working out and introduction in manufacture of titanium alloys for the marine technics and power The basic direction and stages of working out of titanium alloys and also manufacturing techniques ingots, semi-products and welded connection are considered in the article.
Keywords: titanium alloys, marine technics, nuclear power engineering.
Materials science
Processes of α2-phase separation in the titanium-aluminium alloys
M. Popova, N. Rossina, N. Popov, K. Petrova
In this paper the processes of α2-phase separation in the Ti-Al-system alloys depending on heat treatment and Al concentration are investigated. It is shown that the α2-phase formation mechanism is divined by alloying, temperature and holding time. Based on specific conditions ordered α2-phase formation proceeds in the disperse particles form by the conception and growth mechanism or by homogenous transformation.
Keywords: titanium alloys, intermetallide, ordered phases, antiphase boundary.
Studding of structure and properties of multilayers materials on the base of titanium alloys
A. Plokhih, S. Putyrskiy, N. Nochovnaya, . Yakovlev, S. Karpuhin
In the present article the structure and properties of multilayer materials on the base of titanium alloys studding results are presented. It is shown that properties of studied multilayer materials are specific for this class of material. Performed investigations of microstructure and diffusion process of alloy elements demonstrate the ability of multilayer material synthesis with saving of laminate structure. Current investigation has been performed within the framework of complex scientific direction 6.1 «Bimetallic materials on the base of aluminum, titanium and beryllium» «Strategic Directions of Materials Development and Their Processing Technologies for the Period up to 2030».
Keywords: multilayer materials, titanium alloys, hot rolling, deformation, mechanical properties, diffusion.
Optimization the regime of removal piping during melting industrial ingots of hafnium
N. Filatova, V. Novikov, A. Kabanov, V. Arzhakova, A. Golovin
Industrial ingots of hafnium melt double vacuum arc melting. Ingots of hafnium of the second melting are applied to production of products therefore they shall be without foundry defects.
The method of thermo-physical calculation of determination optimum parameters of the melt regime mode to removal ingots piping developed by authors of article: minimum intensity of a current, speed of decrease in current and time of removal of a piping. In work calculation of the optimum regime of removal piping for industrial ingots of hafnium with a diameter of 320 mm is provided. The analysis of a macrostructure of the upper part of the ingots melted on the developed regime has shown that the developed regime allows eliminating this type of defects completely.
The developed regime of removal piping is implemented in industrial production of ingots of hafnium on JSC «ChMZ».
Keywords: piping, industrial ingots of hafnium, thermo-physical properties, intensity of a current, vacuum arc melting.
Semi-products manufacturing technologies
Production at russian enterprises of titanium extra-thin-walled pipes and their use in ship power plants
V. Travin, L. Rtischeva, V. Kopylov, S. Tyomkin, D. Neqodin
Some results of works, made by CRISM «Prometey» and «Kaluga Turbine Works» for extra-thin-walled titanium tubes production organization at Russian enterprises, are examined in this article. Special requirements are in high dimension accuracy and low hydrogen concentration. Pilot drafts of tubes, produced by «Elemash-STP LLC» and «Chepetsky Mechanical Plant» just have met these requirements. Using examined tubes in high loaded vehicle power equipment is based on complex tests of service qualities.
Keywords: titanium alloys, extra-thin-walled tubes, production, special requirements, test results.
Assessment of the influence of degree of cold deformation and heat treatment on the formation and mechanical properties of titanium alloy Ti-3Al-2.5V
Y. Kosmatskiy, B. Barichko, E. Filyaeva, K. Yakovleva
The work is to evaluate the effect of cold deformation and heat treatment on the mechanical properties of the alloy based on titanium Ti-3Al-2.5V. Impact Assessment was carried out to simulate cold-pipe production process technology TREX (Tube Rolling Extrusion), including the production of hot-metal recycling pipe dimensions 90,0 × 20,0 and 90,0 × 23,5 mm in terms of "Volzhsky Pipe Plant" from a blank production of "VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation" and the subsequent cold-rolling pipe size of 38,1 × 5,36 mm in terms of "TMK-INOX". This work was carried out in two stages: assessment of the degree of deformation effect on the mechanical properties; evaluate the effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties of the formation. At the same time, it evaluates the feasibility of the input of heat treatment of hot pipes for further cold deformation.
The results are presented experimental studies were used in the development of production technology and production of pilot batch of cold pipes.
Keywords: titanium alloy Ti-3Al-2.5V, cold deformation, mechanical properties, heat treatment.
Semi-products treatment technologies
The effect of the aluminium content on the polished surface quality of the implants from titanium alloy VT6
S. Skvortsova, A. Neiman, G. Gurtovaya, N. Mitropolskaya, N. Ruchina
In this paper there have been discussed the effect of the aluminum content on the polished surface quality of the implants from titanium alloy VT6. In the study the methods of the tribotechnical properties improvement have been discussed. The influence of thermohydrogen treatment on the hardness, roughness and tribotechnical characteristics has been shown. The recommended aluminium content in VT6 alloy has been defined to achieve the constant surface roughness.
Keywords: chemical composition, implant, titanium alloy, polished surface, roughness, tribotechnical properties, thermohydrogen treatment.
Hydrogen technology as an effective processing method to control structure, mechanical and technological properties of the alloys, based on titanium and titanium aluminide
S. Skvortsova, O. Gvozdeva, V. Pozhoga, S. Slezov, Т. Yagudin
The method to increase the technological plasticity of the difficult-to-form heat-resistant alloys based on the titanium and the formation of different structure types to provide higher mechanical properties level are shown in this work.
Keywords: high-resistance titanium alloy, intermetallide, hydrogen, alloying, technological plasticity, strength.
Events and anniversaries
To the 70-year anniversary Orest Ivasishin