№2 2012
Materials science
Formation of thermally stable structure in titanium alloys with high content of aluminum during thermohydrogen treatment
A. Ilyin, S. Skvortsova, O. Gvozdeva, V. Pozhoga
Domestic titanium alloys different type classifications
А.Ilyin, J. Egorova, S. Skvortsova, A. Mamonov, N. Nochovnaya, L. Davidenko
Influence of hydrogen on mechanism of hardened alloys plastic deformation in Ti-Nb system.
M. Kollerov, E. Agarkova, M. Afonina, E. Shinaeva
Theoretical and experimental analysis of standardized methods and results of technical testing of friction pairs in titanium alloy endoprostheses.
A. Mamonov, A. Neiman, N. Gavrjushenko, E. Agarkova
Diagrams of continuous cooling transformations for VT8M titanium alloy.
S. Demakov, F. Vodolazskiy, M. Ryzhkov, S. Stepanov, D. Gadeev
Phase constitution and structure of the titanium surface layers after electroexplosive carburizing and subsequent electron beam treatment.
Yu. Ivanov, E. Budovskikh , V. Gromov, N. Soskova, S. Raijkov

Titanium market
Leasing – alternative way of capital assets financing of the titanium enterprise.
A. Alexakhin, I. Ilychev , A. Zhaglovskaya , M. Volkov

Events and anniversaries
To the 60-year anniversary Alexander Ilyin
To the 75-year anniversary Igor Polkin
«MATI -Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky» -80 years
FSUE "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Of Aviation Materials" – 80 years

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