Raw materials. Titanium sponge.
Accumulation of impurity in a layer titanium reactor in process manufacture spongy titanium.
I. Chervonyj, D. Listopad.
Description of the thermal physics. Process of the thermal reduction in device with the cyclic removal of 4.8 MT titanium sponge.
V. Nechaev, A. Tsaplin.
Materials science
Thermal treatment influence on structure and properties of welded joints made of VT23 titanium alloy.
S. Skvortsova, Yu. Popova, P. Panin, I. Grushin, E. Kuryshev.
Semi-products manufacturing technologies
Melting method and technology influence on structure and properties of titanium nickelide alloys.
M. Kollerov, A. Alexandrov, S. Kuznetsov, S. Dello, V. Konstantinov, A. Ovchinikov, E. Oreshko.
Titanium application
Enhancement of purity of titanium alloys for nuclear power engineering due to hidrogeneration reduction-guarentee of titanium products service life extension.
M. Kotsar, S. Lavrikov, V. Nikonov, A. Alexandrov, S. Akhtonov, S. Chineykin
The principles of weldable pseudo-alpha titanium alloys using in steam turbine building.
L. Ivanova, A. Kudryavtsev, V. Travin.
Evaluation of biomechanical compatibility of support plates for bone osteosynthesis made of titanium and titanium nickelide-based alloys.
D. Gusev, M. Kollerov, A. Chernyshova, S. Chistilin.
Events and anniversaries
On the 100th anniversary of Peter Poluhin
On the 100th anniversary of Ivan Polin